Canadians do not waste money to the right and to the left. But in excessive greed reproach them is hard. Home repair, maintenance of the court, sharing a car every 2-3 years... The canadians don't spare money for these.
Clothing for the average Canadian is not an goal and not a fetish. So canadians dress on mainly what was bought occasionally. Local Aborigines completely overlooked the quality of clothing, and only "Russian" can save money to buy fashionable jacket for 4-5 thousand dollars. They get clothes from Italy, Armani jeans for $ 600-700, while Canadian native is quite cost jeans Levi 's for 50-70 dollars.
Canadian takes cars in leases. It is very convenient and profitable - you can always return the old car dealer and take a completely new, without making a dime, but only slightly increased the monthly payment. Buying something expensive on credit, remember that your financial situation may change at any moment: her husband would lose the jobs or businesses can go bust, you can get sick, lose benefits, etc. In the case of nonpayment of a loan within 2-3 months, the bank includes mechanisms for compulsory acquisition of mortgage assets, and operates with it very harshly.
Canadians like travelling and know how to do it. But mostly they travel within the country or across the continent. They visit the United States, Mexico, rarely - Bermuda or South America. More rarely, the average Canadian family come to Europe. But in Canada there are many places to view. Beautiful places, nature reserves, diversity of cultures and styles in different cities - all this makes the rest of Canada quite diverse.
Comfort in travel is the natural thing for Canada. Even if you decide to travel by private car, numerous campgrounds and motels will make your vacation easy and enjoyable. Services roadside hotels and resorts are not expensive by local standards, gasoline, though risen in price in recent years, yet not too expensive. Therefore, such travel, especially in the summer, there are thousands of supporters.
The average Canadian refers to his wife with quite properly and understanding. Your husband will not be sorry money for russian wife's cosmetics, toilet and beauty salons. Surely, within a reasonable and accepted in Canadian society. Also, you may need a personal car, and it will find understanding and approval of your spouse. After all, the car in Canada is not a luxury, and it is understood by all.
Hunting and fishing, as we understand, does not occur in Canada. Licences to shoot the animals are expensive, and are given very reluctantly. As for fishing, it very often that the fish is back in the pond. To sit at the campfire on the lake or river, most likely, too, will fail, because the fire can be made in specially designated areas and in the presence of fire extinguishers.